Common Musk Turtle
Sternotherus odoratus
NH Conservation Status: Not listed
State Rank Status: Widespread and secure
Distribution: Southern NH
Description: A 2-5 inch turtle with a smooth, highly domed olive-brown or black carapace that may be irregularly streaked or spotted with dark pigment. On the head and neck are two yellow stripes terminating at the nose. There are two pairs of barbells on the chin and throat used for sensory purposes. May be referred to as the stinkpot in relation to the pungent odor it releases.
Commonly Confused Species: Juvenile snapping turtles
Habitat: Exclusively aquatic, found in ponds, shallow lakes, slow-moving streams and rivers that have soft muddy bottoms. Tolerate a narrow range of temperatures, moving to deeper, cooler water when temperatures get too high.
Life History: Nests are excavated close to the water’s edge in loamy soil. Hibernates in aquatic or wetland habitats. May climb limbs over water to bask.
Conservation Threats: Habitat loss, increased abundance of subsidized predators, water pollution.