Stocking Report

Updated New Hampshire Stocking Reports and Locations

Every year the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department stocks nearly a million catchable-sized trout for your angling enjoyment. Our hatchery staff have been working diligently to return the quantity of rainbow trout stocked back to normal levels.  So far we are on target!

There are two options for viewing the trout stocking information.  Our new interactive map, introduced in 2022, is a great way to find out if your favorite waterbody has been stocked.  Underneath the map, the data is shown in tabular format which can be downloaded as a spreadsheet and saved to a computer or mobile device.  

See Stocking Report  

Interactive Stocking Map

Interactive stocking map allows you to select specific water bodies to see what has been stocked in real time. 

NH Stocked Trout Angler Survey

Help Fish and Game fisheries biologist by reporting your catch! 



Secrets to Fishing Stocked Trout  



RSA 206:18 enables the Executive Director of NH Fish and Game to provide past stocking information to the public. Below are recent yearly stocking summaries showing how many trout were stocked in lakes and streams in New Hampshire.

2023 Stocking Summary 

2022 Stocking Summary

2021 Stocking Summary