Recovering America's Wildlife Act

New Legislation Could Boost Conservation of Nongame Species for Years to Come

Wildlife enthusiasts – this bill is one to watch!

Introduced in July 2019, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act calls for $1.3 billion in existing revenue to be dedicated to the Wildlife Conservation Restoration Program to conserve a full array of fish and wildlife. 

If approved, this legislation would provide funding that will allow New Hampshire, and other states, to proactively manage species in need, helping us keep species off the federal Endangered Species List. This could be a significant help in providing nongame funding in the long term. It would also benefit game species such as moose, which are also facing challenges.

Bipartisan support: The bill was recommended in 2015 by the Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources, comprised of national business and conservation leaders, as a new mechanism to sustainably fund fish and wildlife conservation.

A bigger tent:  America’s hunters and anglers have been the primary funders of state-based conservation efforts to this day. This recommendation uses funding for conservation from other sectors that use our natural resources.

How you can help: Stay informed on the progress of this important bill.  Public input from a broad constituency will be important to its passage. Read more at