Fish Species of NH
Species Profiles for Fresh and Saltwater Fish Occurring in New Hampshire
- Alewife
- American Brook Lamprey
- American Eel
- American Shad
- Atlantic Salmon
- Atlantic Sturgeon
- Banded Killifish
- Banded Sunfish
- Black Crappie
- Blacknose Dace
- Blueback Herring
- Bluegill
- Bridle Shiner
- Brook Trout
- Brown Bullhead
- Brown Trout
- Burbot (Freshwater Cusk)
- Chain Pickerel
- Channel Catfish
- Common Carp
- Common Shiner
- Creek Chub
- Creek Chubsucker
- Eastern Silvery Minnow
- Fallfish
- Fathead Minnow
- Finescale Dace
- Golden Shiner
- Lake Chub
- Lake Trout
- Lake Whitefish
- Landlocked Salmon
- Largemouth Bass
- Longnose Dace
- Longnose Sucker
- Margined Madtom
- Northern Pike
- Northern Redbelly Dace
- Pumpkinseed
- Rainbow Smelt
- Rainbow Trout
- Redbreast Sunfish
- Redfin Pickerel
- Rock Bass
- Round Whitefish
- Sea Lamprey
- Shortnose Sturgeon
- Slimy Sculpin
- Smallmouth Bass
- Spottail Shiner
- Swamp Darter
- Tessellated Darter
- Walleye
- White Perch
- White Sucker
- Yellow Bullhead
- Yellow Perch